
People have never lived better in the history of our species. Yet, societies have never been as unequal as they are today. From the US-Mexican border, to the slums of Latin America and Africa, to the streets of Cairo and Tunis, the repercussions of this growing disparity are becoming difficult to ignore.

So what? Isn’t this just how things are? In this blog we take the opposite view. Not because it’s true or false–just because it’s interesting. We can clone animals, cure countless diseases and land robots on Mars, yet we seem unable, or unwilling, to stem the growing inequality amongst fellow humans right here in our midst. Why not? And just as importantly, how did we get here?

In collaboration with the University of British Coumbia’s student-run International Development Research Network, based in Vancouver, Canada, this blog features a growing list of interviews with specialists in development and inequality from a range of countries, mainly in the global south.

Feel free to link, comment, or write, and check in regularly for newly uploaded interviews.

PS If you happen to be a publisher, interested in helping us turn this into a book (hint, hint), please contact Jordan, our primary interviewer, here.

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